Use your Mind and Past Memories
Automatically Reprogram
Negative Behaviors into Positive Reactions
and Achieve all of your Desires
beliefs or fixed ideas have a significant impact on our
daily life. The beliefs and ideas that we have about life are
instilled upon us by a parent, family member, authoritative figure
or peer group. It is our beliefs and ideas that dictate the way
that we respond to daily situations. More importantly, they are
the reason for our reactions and feelings to situations that we
experience as children. Reactions and feelings that we carry with
us into adult hood. Example: A person feels extremely nervous
around people. Have you ever heard the saying "children should
be seen but not heard"? Chances are you have. For many people
it is a reason for their being timid or shy as an adult even though
they want to be social. It is that belief, that feeling, of "being
seen but not heard" that can hold us back. A common reaction
to feeling uncomfortable is to consciously
make an effort to ignore the feeling. That action suppresses the
feeling but does not change it and supressing a feeling, or holding
it back, consumes A LOT OF ENERGY! A person can consciously tell
themself over and over again that they will be a social butterfly
only to find themself still being a wall flower. Hypnotherapy
however enables a person to heal and change uncomfortable feelings
or negative behaviors where they reside - in the
subconscious mind - AND, most importantly, the changes become
a natural response. Feeling comfortable around people becomes a natural feeling. |
Hypnotherapy teaches you how to change negative behavior into productive behavior and heal physical and emotional issues quickly, naturally, and permanently. Hypnotherapy enables you to be in complete control of your life! It is a FANTASTIC TOOL for achieving maximum results in success, happiness and health in minimal time!
The Mind is A Very Powerful Tool
Our subconscious mind uses the behavior patterns we have learned to
automatically respond and react
to everyday events in our life.
Hypnotherapy allows you
to use both your conscious and sub-conscious minds simultaneously.
This enables you to reprogram negative reactions or unwanted behaviors into
positive reactions and comfortable behaviors and the process works faster than Psychotherapy.
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